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San Diego, Ca, United States
I love God & my family. Some of my hobbies include; natural hair, music, fashion, and did I mention natural hair. I am the ultimate girlie girl; I love dressing up, doing hair, makeup, fashion and SHOES. I value family, life, embrace self acceptance and cherish the things God give me to steward. I am optimistic and also a skeptic. It cost absolutely nothing to be positive or negative, I choose to be positive. This blog will incorporate a mixture of things that I am most passionate about. The main focus is hair but I will throw other things in there every once in a while. Please feel free to comment and ask questions, I LOVE QUESTIONS! Since going natural I have been glued to my laptop, I enjoy networking with other naturals who share the same love and respect for natural hair. My goal is to reach waist length hair by Aug 23, 2013. Thank you for stopping by Peace & blessings. Happy growing!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The time has come and I am missing my hair :-( although being natural is about different phases I dislike this one the most. Now don't get it twisted I can get use to just waking up and having hair in the back of my mind BUT.

Today I finished my econ final and what seemed to be the most challenging assignment ever.

 Next class starts in 30mins and I decided  to browse around the natural world. Of course there is no browsing natural hair without getting inspired. I am jealous of all the naturals that are doing it without protective styles, lawd knows I can't. I am proud of you all and I have a new found respect for all of you.

I am looking forward to things that I once dreaded when I cared for my hair outside of Protective styles (PS)so I know I am having a bad case of hair withdraw today. But I am sure I will get over it!

I am also looking forward to my 2 YEAR NAPPIVERSARY!!!!!! OMG I cannot believe that I am writing these words. WOW 2 years. I would like to say to all the transitioners out there; don't be afraid to BC because you wont know where time has gone.

For my bday I want to try a twist out on blow dried hair so it should be nice and massive. I cannot wait. So there you have it queens, plenty to look forward to and not enough time to wait.

this is what I want.......HEY, a girl can dream.. lol