My photo
San Diego, Ca, United States
I love God & my family. Some of my hobbies include; natural hair, music, fashion, and did I mention natural hair. I am the ultimate girlie girl; I love dressing up, doing hair, makeup, fashion and SHOES. I value family, life, embrace self acceptance and cherish the things God give me to steward. I am optimistic and also a skeptic. It cost absolutely nothing to be positive or negative, I choose to be positive. This blog will incorporate a mixture of things that I am most passionate about. The main focus is hair but I will throw other things in there every once in a while. Please feel free to comment and ask questions, I LOVE QUESTIONS! Since going natural I have been glued to my laptop, I enjoy networking with other naturals who share the same love and respect for natural hair. My goal is to reach waist length hair by Aug 23, 2013. Thank you for stopping by Peace & blessings. Happy growing!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hair Tutorial of the week: twists, twist out & twist out puff

you will need: rats tail comb, clips or rubber bands, water, hair butter(whipped shea butter,styling creme etc)

Step 1: wash and condition hair

Step 2. section wet hair into 4 sections with rats tail comb. use clips or rubber band to separate sections.

Step 3. Start on nape area or  back of head begin by parting first section hair horizontally into square shaped parts. use clips to hold hair from mixing with small section.  then add small amount of hair butter to section before twisting.
Chunky twists

Step 4. repeat step 3 until entire head is twisted, leave  for a few days, if gets frizzy retwist with water and butter

Chunkier size twist
Step 5. undo twists using light oil to tame frizz, use a pick comb to comb out roots only..this is to cover parts

Step 6. Style; be creative use hair accessories, hair pins, headbands and all.

Step 7.For twist out puff simply add head band around head use gel to sleek edges

1. sections size is up to the person; the smaller the more defined twists willl be.
2. the technique to  twisting is in the wrist
3. use water to wet dried hair
4. protect style by sleeping with silk bonnet at night.

twist out

twist out puff


  1. I love your twist out. I miss this length on my hair.

  2. thank you! Dont worry before you know it your gonna be asking for your shorter hair length again.
